Thursday, 12 April 2012

Response to "Capitalism:A Ghost Story by Arundati Roy."Outlook 26th March 2012.

A run dat i(s) Roy


What a run!  

From where to where does this woman run!  And why?  And why does she make us read her marathon passage?  Outlook needs to look inwards before they splat her running footprints all over their magazine.

First question to you Ms. Roy.  What did you do with your millions that you got from your Booker Prize and the royalty of your book sales apart from building and hiding from public eye your own illegal villa in the notified forest land in MP. Roy pretends to be a campaigner for tribal rights but she is accused of grabbing tribal land in Pachmarhi.  And what will you do with the fat cheque you get from writing such long passages in print?  Do you disbelieve in capitalism and distribute cash or kind to at least a fraction of the number of poor who pass by your own illegal forest Antilla in torn slippers?

Why do you pretend loving this country? You have breathed sedition in Kashmir, spoken for the naxals, opposed industrial growth, bashed every business house (except the Birlas for some strange reason), established links with ISI agents like Gulab Nabi Fai, who was recently sentenced for two years jail by a U.S court, deposed against national development in UN and international fora with utterly wrong statistics (you are a fiction writer with an award) and criticized everything national.  You have even been punished by the Supreme Court for contempt of court.

How credible is your voice?  Why don't you suggest any solution to what you perceive as problems?  You run criticism and run away from solutions.  Do something to prove you are right. Please try and undo what you don't like.  At least, bring down the Antilla, break down the dams, tear up the Lokpal bill, stone to death every business leader (except Birlas for reasons only known to you) and take us all to the stone age. 

Also build some villas in the notified forest lands for the naxals, if that is your vision and wisdom for the proletariat cause.

National Council for Civil Liberties 
Ahmedabad - 380 009 